This is a delightful book, beautiful words, beautiful illustrations; they meld together perfectly to enhance the story…These are the important questions that everybody should be asking themselves, if they’re going to live a well-examined life, which, of course, is the only life worth living…It’s a beautiful story, it’s adaptable for all ages. All you need is a parent to read it to a child. It can be broken down into concepts and words that they can understand and I think it is a great book for adults to read, too, reflecting on their own lives and their own choices and their own decisions…It’s a terrific book, it’s a great read, it’s enjoyable for people of all ages whether they are young or old. It’ll have you do some very, very good thinking about your life.
(So-kah-bee) is the name of the story’s main character. The young Socoby travels on a path with dreams of a bright future. He meets Hope, Faith, Love, Wisdom, and Understanding. They all claim to be friends and promise to help him on his journey. As darkness approaches, Socoby and his new companions reach a fork in the path, and six figures appear. Their unnamed leader introduces his colleagues as Self, Passion, Hate, Jealousy, and Fear. Socoby is given the choice to pick which team and path he will take. I loved reading SOCOBY because it has a unique concept and a profound message. Everyone has free will to choose what is right or what is wrong. The main character is an innocent young man who can not fully discern his companions’ motives. He gradually grows on his journey and can finally switch sides or continue with his original companions. James W. O’Clock has beautifully summarized everyone’s moral growth. Our parents teach us to be kind, hopeful, and loving when we are young, but experiences take us to a fork in life. And it is here that we decide who we will be and how we will treat others. I loved everything about this book, especially the poetic narration, the creative acronym (SOCOBY), and the eye-catching illustrations. The visuals are amazing. They look like anime art and correspond perfectly with the story. This is wonderful work.
“WELL DONE ON YOUR BOOK CALLED SOCOBY!!! We…find SOCOBY a perfect way to share…the choices we all face in our walk through life.”
I just read Bill’s book Socoby. The text and illustrations are wonderfully done. Your son has amazing talent. I definitely could see it being on stage … I like the message, very powerful.
I [had] a birthday party coming up for one of my friend’s kids and I thought SOCOBY would make the perfect gift. I ordered and read the book and wanted to tell you that it was really well done! The story was great and the illustrations are incredible. Thank you for sharing your creativity with the world!
Even before I…read it myself…My 2 1/2-year-old granddaughter asked me to read this book to her … Just by the drawings, I told her that Socoby was trying to get home but he was going to need help along the way … She learned to not be fearful by the darkness of the journey but learned to be excited about who was going to help him.
SOCOBY is a breathtaking and striking illustrated story that poses fundamental questions about life and the conflict of good versus evil. This symbolic, cautionary tale profoundly represents what it’s like to travel through life’s journey – and face its greatest questions and struggles. The work of fiction is touching and intensely relevant – making it the perfect story for readers of all ages.
The protagonist, SOCOBY, finds himself in the “State Or Condition Of Being Young”. As a light shines on his path, he encounters numerous thought provoking characters. Along his journey, he comes across Hope, Faith, Love, Wisdom, and Understanding. As SOCOBY is accompanied by these new friends, he must take time to reflect and comprehend what it truly means to have them in his life. As this profound story progresses, the protagonist also must confront “the challenges of all that the night brings”, and learn how to face them.
In the darkness, SOCOBY meets characters named Self, Passion, Hate, Jealousy, and Fear. These characters also do their best to guide the young protagonist. But, in the end, it is only his decision to determine the direction that is best to follow.
This story is filled with such wisdom in its 56 pages. It emphasizes the importance of every decision in life, and how easily we can be molded and shaped while young. Beyond that, the illustrations are vibrant – and truly bring this one-of-a-kind story to life.
As I engrossed myself in the story, I thought deeply about the characters SOCOBY comes across. I reflected on the ways that I initially confronted them in my life, and how I still face them today. I came to understand that life will forever be the product of a series of choices. It’s not always easy to make the right decision. As the story makes clear, we constantly must wrestle with our thoughts and face both confusion and uncertainty. But, we have to learn how to live with that uncertainty, and strive to do the right thing.
This powerful book shows that life’s journey, and being young, can be challenging. With light, there is darkness. The journey is never simple, and it is filled with difficult decisions. You’ll find that SOCOBY represents everyone in this wonderful, oftentimes perplexing world.
SOCOBY is an illustrated poem that is not only sumptuously beautiful but equally rich in concept. Looking through the pages you are transported to another realm full of fantastic creatures and environments, but if you allow yourself to think about the context, deeper messages and important lessons about life choices emerge that are applicable to all ages and especially useful to parents.
“The words make a poetic narrative that is deep; with the pictures, it becomes bottomless.”